In set photos we are greeted to a “darker” Supergirl in look and attitude showing off a brand new black suit, not 100% sure if this is the real Kara or maybe a clone they are introducing but either way the suit looks amazing, im kind of leaning towards a clone though mostly because Zor-el and Kal-el are proud Kryptonians and wear a large symbol on their chests to show this fact, and in this picture we see a smaller slightly out of place off to the side symbol, along with the attitude supergirl is normally seen as your typical innocent girl from across the street, caring and compassionate you can see that in her eyes
both in comics and the tv series, and when you look in her eyes in the picture the just look uncaring kind of like saying “fuck you” without actually saying it, her hair also seems darker, not that, that exactly matters just thought I would say. This episode seems like it will be pretty good and I hope it is because the series hasn’t lived up to a whole lot of the hype people give it, with yet another race changed character I get it comics need more black characters but don’t take someone elses idea and change it into something else, if you don’t have any of your own ideas you shouldn’t be a writer, and idea theft happens in the movie, tv, comics, even comedy, for a long time and no one seems to care, well I do, but all in all for a skeptic like me im still a bit hype up for this episode of supergirl and I hope you guys are as well, stay geekd my friends.
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