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Live Action Akira Movie To Be Penned By Daredevil Writer

A big shout out to all the Akira fans out there....your dreams may have finally come true for a live action movie to be made out of the Manga franchise!!! A live action remake of the movie is set to be written by none other than Marco J. Ramirez, writer for Marvel's “Daredevil” season 2, Sons of Anarchy, Orange is the New Black, and Da Vinci's Demons.


Warner Brothers has been trying to make this happen since 2008 when they obtained the rights to make the movie and have went through several writers and even more actors to play the parts of the characters from the Manga including Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen from “Twilight”), Andrew Garfield (Peter Parker from “The Amazing Spiderman”), and James McAvoy (young Charles Xavier from “Xmen: Days of Future Past”) to play the part of Tetsuo and Justin Timberlake (Richie Furst from the movie “Runner Runner”) and Joaquin Phoenix(Clay from the movie Clay Pigeons) for Kaneda.

So now there will be a silent period where we will hear nothing of this project while Ramirez, teamed with Andrew Lazar and Leonardo DiCaprio's Appian Way producing, will give Warner Brothers something to drool over with a script.


Akira was a Manga comic first being written throughout the 1980's and got a movie in 1988 as a sci-fi animated thriller and cult classic. Its the story of 2 orphans who form a biker gangs that go from cronies to mortal enemies when one of them develops and abuses telekinetic powers, but hey if you just woke up one day and you started moving things around with your mind, wouldn't you want to explore it a bit to find out what other abilities you could unlock?

In summation, can they really bring to light the tragic story of 2 orphaned brothers brought to war with each other by a secret government? With today’s graphics and technology anything can be possible, and with Marcus Ramirez's writing, its almost sure to be a hit, but only time can tell and we will all be waiting, ever patient, for the news of such a day.

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