Star Wars Knights of the Fallen Empire E3 Game Trailer
The game footage was just released at E3 this week, and it looks promising. Being that I've never played original Knights of the Old Republic games, this may be a good place to get my feet wet in the Star Wars series of games.
I like a somber narrator when playing any video game, and this one is no exception. He starts off by saying that from the moment you are born you are promised nothing and the only privilege we are entitled to is the dirt we'll return to. This always makes me feel like I have something to prove, and something to fight for and ranked pretty high on my hype-O-meter. The video goes on to show two kids who grow up together sided with apposing light and dark characteristics of the force, which begs the question if this will be a game where your decisions determine the outcome of the game (Being that the old games were RPGs I'd say the chances are good) but since there isn't a whole lot to go on right now, this is just a lot of speculation.
Moving on.
Star Wars did have a game series, The Old Republic which is one of my favorite genres, a Role Playing game. This brings even more questions than answers to the plate however. Will this new game be an RPG, and if it is what types of customizations and leveling system will it have?
Also will there be any kind of armor customization? Because I could personally see this working really well for a game based in the Star Wars Extended Universe. Whatever the outcome, this game at the very least warrants a play through, and since there's no gameplay trailer to speak of at the moment the only thing we can base it on are the phenomenal cut scene graphics on a next gen consoles. Be that as it may, I personally can't wait to add Star Wars Knights of the Fallen Empire to my library of games.