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Don't Touch That Dial



Sword Art Online is a series that released in 2012. I just got into it recently, and the plot itself is great. Characters play a new game (MMO) they get stuck inside the game because of the head gear they use to play the it, which unfortunately has no logout button. When someone unplugs the game it could potentially fry their brain.

The whole series is about a boy named Kirito who was one of the beta-testers. the graphics for it are well done, badass bosses etc. but if I were to compare it to lets say Akira? my hype level goes down the drain. I didn't get into a lot of new anime because I was brought up on the classics like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Hellsing. Which is filled with such a surreal reality that it makes you believe it could actually happen to you (As any good book or movie should make you feel) the plot is intense and the animation is almost perfect, so Sword Art Online IS a good anime for even classic enthusiasts to check out.

The users of Sword Art Online stuck inside of the game until they beat it (and yes it is beatable) the Game Master says you have to complete the game by finding each dungeon on each floor of the map and defeating the boss, mind you there's 100 floors. Once you beat the game you're set free.


As the series progresses you follow Kirito who is a solo player and always at the front lines. (one of few people who actually fights the bosses) As an ex beta tester he knows the bosses like the back of his hand, ya dig? he kills the first boss and everyone starts calling him a beater ( beta cheater) which he says he likes and adopts as a nickname. Now let’s jump around the series. Kirito is pretty much enjoying life, kicking butt, and taking names. When he ends up being the highest level of the game when he acquires a unique skill that allows him to use two swords.

Sword Art Online does keep me on the edge of my seat, but just not as much as the old classics (Let’s face facts here) Cowboy Bebop was a bounty hunter, a freaking bounty hunter, that traveled through the solar system and sh*t what more could you want? However if I find myself needing a new series to get down on my I will flip on some Sword Art Online and it gets me by.

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